Mobile Landing Page for a browser extension

New Design University
St. Pölten
Interface Design
The task was to design a landing page for a “problem solver” – the problem could be chosen freely.
At the time, the 8th season of Game of Thrones was being released, so I decided to create a browser extension protecting you from being spoilered about your favorite tv shows/movies.
We had to think about what to show on the landing page and which features could be interesting for possible users.
In order to differentiate Spot from other spoiler prevention tools, I decided to make it really easy to use and fully customizable:
the user should be able to decide how much they want to see – everything, only a bit, only stuff from season 4 or nothing at all.
In the concept process, there was one complication: a browser extension can't be used on mobile devices but we had to design a mobile landing page. My solution: when an user views the site on a mobile device, the goal is not for them to download it but rather to save it for later and spread the word.